Painting is my passion.
I live in Tāmaki Makaurau Auckland, New Zealand, and I'm a mother, grandmother, life partner, sister and artist.
I have a beautiful garden in which I love to spend time and be inspired. The tui and piwakawaka (fantails) are regular visitors, coming to feed on insects and nectar from the kowhai flowers.
In my spare time - when I'm not at my day job! - or painting - I like to read, practice yoga and walk my dog.
I live near the beach in the East Coast Bays and find it very calming to spend time there (although I don't get there as much as I would like!), and it's another place of inspiration.
My camera often goes with me if I go on walks or take a trip out of town - I never know what I might find! - and I file a lot of photos away for future reference.
The Artist's Creative Space
I'm lucky enough to have a studio, where I can create and leave a mess if I feel like it!
I love this space - I put on music, usually rock, and get into the zone. It's a great place to be. When I'm painting, I'm happy and focused.
Landscapes, seascapes, plants and birds are subjects I like to paint at the moment. I enjoy the creative process of mixing colours, forming the composition and creating the mood of a painting. I am constantly amazed at the beauty to be found in nature, the everchanging kaleidoscope of colours and the intriguing patterns.
I also like to work with different materials and have created hanging sculptures from wood, wire, shells and pumice. Somehow I fell into restoring and decoupaging old wooden boxes as well. But - painting tops all those right now.
I dislike pretentiousness and I don't believe art has to have some deep meaning. If you want to make a statement through art, that's great, but I believe a painting can be appreciated for it's aesthetic beauty alone.
I hope you'll share my creative adventure with me, and if you'd like to know more or have any questions, you can get in touch here.